In 2013 there were 2597 Foreclosed properties sold through our Northeast Florida MLS in Duval County Alone. Those sold in Duval were at an average sales price of just under 100,000, with an average sqft. of 1633 and on average were not on the market over 60 days.
In 2014 the number of foreclosures in Duval County rose just a bit to a total of 3118 foreclosed homes being sold. The average sold price of a foreclosed home in Duval County was still just under a $100,000 at $97,500.
In 2018 there were only 955 residential listings in our MLS sold that were listed as bank owned, at an average price of $140,000
In 2021 there were only 83 homes listed as REO or Bank Owned homes sold in NE Florida.
Currently in 2022 there are so few foreclosures on the market it's really not an option for most buyers in NE Florida.
If you would like foreclosure statistical information on foreclosures in Clay or St. Johns counties, just give us a call or contact us.
Foreclosures in Northeast Jacksonville